Veteran's Day Ride

Navy veteran Joi shouted, "Hey, let's celebrate Veteran's Day with a ride. We could ride from West Hills Park to El Monte Park. Anyone interested? There seemed to be interest so a time was set and Merle provided a route slip. Three veterans and a dependent showed up and off we rode.

We stopped by the entrance just to show where we started for the record.
Riding through town.
Our route took us east on Julian Avenue. Julian Avenue is urban. It is in town. There are houses on both sides of the street. Julian Ave. becomes El Monte as it crosses Lake Jennings Park Road. When you are on El Monte, you are in the country. Now there are farms on both sides of the road.
At one place the road is lined with pomegranate trees, or are they bushes?
This is the season for them but all the low ones have been picked. The only ones that remain are high up.
Probably the manure hasn't been so picked over.
We made it to El Monte County Park.
Three veterans
Riding back from El Monte Park
Proud Navy Veteran
Happy dependent
Thanks for organizing the ride Joi.
West Hills Park, Santee
El Monte County Park, Lakeside

From West Hills Park, Santee
R on Mast
L on Magnolia
R on Nopal
R on Riverford
Under Highway 67
L on Woodside
L on Channel
L on Julian
Julian becomes El Monte Rd.
El Monte County Park, Lakeside

The route slip

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